So, I want to talk to you today about the difference between two key decisions in the VA claims process: the VA decision and the VA ratings decision. Well, a lot of you guys and gals who have been asked this for a long time know the difference, but not everybody does. So, the question begs, I guess that's not really proper, you look good, that's my appeal brain, my brief rating brain. Now, I don't need to talk about the meaning of begging a question. The point is that a lot of you are probably wondering why I'm talking about something so basic, and it's because there are a lot of veterans out there watching this who don't have the knowledge that you have. So, let's bring them up to speed. There are two key decisions in the VA claims process that affect your ability to continue your claim and get the maximum amount of past due benefits that you can get. Those two decisions are the VA ratings decision and the B VA decision. And there are very, very different decisions. I see a lot of veterans confusing them, and I know this because, again, on the law firm side, when I have somebody send me in their B VA decision that they want to appeal, a lot of times 90% of the time, I'm getting a VA ratings decision back. And it's a significant difference because there are different appeal timelines, and the impact of missing an appeal on one or the other can be fatal to your case. So, let's talk about the difference. We have to start with a basic understanding of what this VA claims process is all about. There are two components: the claim side and the appeal side. The claim is where you ask...
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